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Ballot Question #1



Question 1 deal with how the gas tax is calculated. A Yes Vote would eliminate the gas tax and keep a constant rate for each gallon of gas bought in Massachusetts. A No Vote would keep the gas tax as it is. However, the gas tax cannot go below 21.5 cents and currently sits at 24 cents and will continue to change annually.


The gas tax is calculated every year by determining the Consumer Price Index of the previous year, which is a "basket" of goods and services calculated by averaging out the changes of their prices from the previous year. This CPI is set to counter inflation and the devaluing of the US dollar over time. The dollar will always be a dollar, but each new one makes the true value of all dollars less than what the worth printed on the paper.  Generally the most popular goods and services are chosen, ranging from sodas to public transit. 


A YES vote would keep a constant tax rate and get rid of the constantly increasing taxes in Massachusetts. Every year the gas tax increases thanks to CPI and the money we spend on gas increases as a result. There is no voting on the issue by the legislature or the people, it simply increases on its own. This is taxation without representation and eliminating the adjustment would require state legislatures to vote on tax increases. Without representation, this law is unconstitutinal and should be changed as a result. The gas tax has been increasing for a while now and without change there is no end in sight.


A NO vote would keep the law in place and save us money in the long run. As money decreases in value, a larger amount of money is needed to get the same value of the previous year. Inflation decreases the power of money and it occurs as more and more money is printed. This is why a chocolate bar in the 50's costed 25 cents, while the same bar in 2014 costs 2 dollars. If the government is receiving less value for their money every year, then public parks, roads, and other government-fundeed areas would not be able to be kept up. Though the amount of money spent is changing, the value spent by each person is not and should be kept that way as a result. 









Gas Tax Indexing

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